Surprising Health Benefits of Mache Lettuce ..

Although still not a common ingredient in most American kitchens, mache lettuce is gaining popularity among health-conscious foodies who are looking to add more tasty nutrient-dense salad greens into their diets. Also called lamb’s lettuce or corn salad, mache (Valeriana locusta var. olitoria L.) is one of the most nutritious lettuce varieties there is, and its wonderful nutty flavor ensures that your salads and green smoothies featuring mache will be real hits both among adults and kids. If you’re not yet convinced that this unsung salad green should be the star of tonight’s dinner, check out the overview of the wonderful health benefits of mache lettuce below. At the end of this write-up, you’ll also find a nutrition facts chart for mache showing the exact amounts of specific nutrients found in raw mache leaves.

Mache is supercharged with vitamin C :

While iceberg lettuce is a relatively poor source of vitamin C, mache is loaded with this vital nutrient (64% of the Daily Value in a 3.5-oz serving, according to USDA’s Nutrition Facts data for mache lettuce). In fact, on an ounce-by-ounce basis, mache contains almost as much vitamin C as lemon juice!

Vitamin C is perhaps best known for its antioxidant effects, but it also plays a critical role in a number of other bodily functions. For instance, it helps your body produce collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin smooth and your bones, teeth, and arteries strong. In addition, eating more vitamin C rich foods – such as mache lettuce – is one of the most common diet tips for preventing the common cold.

Mache provides 14 times as much pro-vitamin A as iceberg lettuce :

Most people associate pro-vitamin A with orange vegetables, such as carrots and apricots, but there are also plenty of green leafy vegetables that are packed with this eye sight protecting nutrient. Just one ounce of fresh mache lettuce, for example, provides a whopping 18% of the Daily Value for vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids). In addition to keeping your eyes healthy, vitamin A is crucial for healthy mucous membranes. It also acts as an antioxidant, providing protection against free radical damage associated with many chronic diseases and premature aging.

Vitamin B for a healthy metabolism, cognitive development, immune function, and skin :

If you have a background in nutritional sciences you may know that bananas, bell peppers, and wheat germ are all good sources of vitamin B6. But did you know that also mache is a great source of this important B complex vitamin? (A 3.5-ounce or 100-gram serving of mache provides 14% of the Daily Value for vitamin B6, according to USDA’s Nutrition Facts analysis)?

Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 is a versatile nutrient that performs a wide variety of functions in the body. It is involved, for example, in the metabolism of amino acids (proteins), carbohydrates, and lipids (fats), as well as in cognitive development and immune function. It can also help repair damaged connective tissue and prevent toxin build-up and bloating, which is why it is considered a vital component of anti-cellulite diets.

Mache provides almost as much iron as spinach :

Along with spinach, mache lettuce is at the top of the list of iron-containing salad greens. A 3.5-oz serving of raw mache provides 2.2 milligrams of iron (or 12% of the Daily Value), which makes mache only a slightly less concentrated source of iron than spinach.

If you’re one of the eight million American women who are deficient in iron and are trying increase your intake of this vital mineral, take note though: the iron found in vegetables, including mache lettuce, is non-heme iron – a type of iron that is not absorbed by our bodies as well as iron found in meat and poultry. Therefore, people suffering from an iron deficiency are usually advised to eat more meat and poultry (or take high-quality iron supplements) in order to quickly supply their bodies with highly-absorbable heme iron.

Mache is packed with heart healthy nutrients :

If the nutritional and health benefits of mache lettuce described above are not enough to convince you to add this unassuming salad green to your diet, consider this: Mache is also a wonderful source of potassium and copper, both of which are famous for their heart health protecting properties.

Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, while copper helps keep your cholesterol levels in check. In addition, studies have linked copper deficiency to abnormal electrocardiograms, glucose intolerance and high blood pressure (hypertension).


Watercress helps to Protection Cancer …

Cruciferous vegetables, such as watercress and broccoli, are well known for containing glucosinolates, phytochemicals that are hydrolyzed to produce isothiocyanates, which have been studied for their anticancer effects. Dietary intake of these compounds has been shown to counter breast, lung, colorectal, head and neck, and prostate cancers.3-7 Watercress is also an exceptionally rich dietary source of nasturtiin, the precursor of phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC).10 This compound inhibits the liver’s phase I enzymes, which are responsible for activating many carcinogens in animals, and induces the liver’s phase II enzymes, which are associated with enhanced excretion of carcinogens.

When human prostate cancer cells were exposed to PEITC, both proliferation (multiplication of cells) and tumorigenesis (production of tumors) were inhibited. This compound also triggered apoptosis, or the death of cancerous cells.11

Furthermore, in laboratory models of cellular activity, watercress isothiocyanates restrained certain pro-inflammatory compounds that are associated with chronic inflammation and cancer.14Similarly, crude watercress extract was “significantly protective” against three stages of the carcinogenic process in human colon cancer cells. The stages investigated were initiation, proliferation, and metastasis (spread of cancer).12 Isothiocyanate compounds from watercress and broccoli were found to hinder the activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9, an enzyme that plays a role in progression of certain cancers by breaking down natural barriers in the body that impede the expansion of existing tumors. These watercress and broccoli-derived compounds were also shown to suppress a highly invasive breast cancer cell line.13

In addition, researchers at the University of Ulster recently published some of the most comprehensive and convincing work to date on the positive effects of raw watercress ingestion on certain biomarkers related to cancer risk. Sixty men and women, half of whom were smokers, participated in the study, which involved eating three ounces of raw watercress per day, in addition to the normal diet, for eight weeks. DNA damage to lymphocytes and plasma lutein, retinol, alpha-tocopherol, and beta-carotene were measured. Overall, there was a 17% reduction in basal DNA damage. Antioxidant blood levels increased, beta-carotene levels rose 33%, and lutein levels skyrocketed by 100%.2 Furthermore, smokers experienced greater DNA-protective effects from watercress than non-smokers.

Health Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables: Cancer Prevention – and More !!!

The potential health benefits of cruciferous vegetables are truly impressive. Also known as crucifers or Brassica vegetables, these super-foods have been shown to exert strong anti-cancer effects, to promote healthy eyes, to maintain healthy bones by supplying highly bioavailable calcium and vitamin K, to provide tons of vitamin C, and to treat H. pylori infections. To get the full scoop on the nutritional benefits and health-protecting properties of cruciferous vegetables, keep reading.

Cruciferous Vegetables and Their Anti-Cancer Effects :

In some epidemiological studies, high intakes of cruciferous vegetables have been associated with reduced risk of colon, lung, bladder, breast, prostate and other cancers. Especially in case of colon and lung cancers, the evidence supporting the anti-cancer effects of crucifers seems solid.

The potential anti-cancer effects of Brassica vegetables have been largely attributed to the glucosinolates they contain. While glucosinolates themselves do not confer many health benefits, they are easily converted into isothiocyanates, phytochemicals with proven anti-cancer properties.

Eating Cruciferous Vegetables Promotes Healthy Eyes :

When we think of carotenoids (pro-vitamin A), we typically think of carrots and other orange vegetables and fruits. But also many green leafy vegetables – including crucifers like kale, Japanese mustard spinach (komatsuna), turnip greens, garden cress, collard greens – are packed with these eye-healthy nutrients. One ounce of cooked and drained kale, for example, provides a whopping 76% of vitamin A in the form of carotenoids.

Purple cruciferous vegetables, such as purple cauliflower and purple (red) cabbage can also help maintain healthy vision thanks to the anthocyanins they contain. Anthocyanins – flavonoid pigments that give many black and purple vegetables and fruits their intense colors – have been shown enhance night vision, fight macular degeneration, increase circulation within the capillaries of the retina, and reduce the risk of retinopathy in diabetic patients.

Calcium and Vitamin K for Healthy Bones :

Many cruciferous foods – such as Japanese mustard spinach (komatsuna), bok choy cabbage, turnip greens, collards, Chinese broccoli, kale, and broccoli rabe – also contain significant amounts of calcium, a nutrient that is crucial to keeping your bones strong at healthy.

What’s more, the calcium in Brassica vegetables also appears to be highly bioavailable. A three-way randomized trial published in the November 1993 edition of the Journal of Food Science measured calcium bioavailability from several cruciferous vegetables 15 healthy women, and the results were promising: fractional calcium absorption from bok choy stems, boy choy leaves, broccoli, and kale averaged 0.478, 0.519, 0.520, and 0.527, respectively. Mean absorbability of milk calcium ingested at the same load (about 83 milligrams) has been shown to be slightly lower, about 0.463.

In addition to providing plenty of calcium, brassicas like Chinese broccoli, kale, rapini, turnip greens, and collards are also loaded with another bone-building nutrient: vitamin K. Research suggests that vitamin K can help increase bone mineral density as well as reduce fracture rates in osteoporotic people.

Many Crucifers Contain Even More Vitamin C Than Oranges!

Most cruciferous vegetables are also supercharged with vitamin C, and some – including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, mustard spinach, and garden cress – have been reported to contain even more vitamin C than oranges!

Eating cruciferous vegetables that contain high levels of vitamin C help keep your immune system, skin, bones, and teeth strong and healthy. Vitamin C can also act as a natural anti-histamine and may therefore help alleviate symptoms associated with certain allergies.

Cardioprotective Benefits :

A study published in the July 2011 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that fruit and vegetable intake was inversely associated with the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases, and that this pattern was particularly evident for cruciferous vegetables. The cardioprotective benefits of cruciferous vegetables are likely a result of synergies between a vast range of nutrients and phytochemicals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, fiber, and flavonoids.

Glucosinolates in Crucifers Fight H. Pylori Infections :

Bacterial infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is associated with a marked increase in the risk of gastric ulcers and stomach cancer. Although mild H pylori infections can usually be treated effectively with antibiotics, scientists are constantly looking for alternative treatments as H pylori strains are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotic drugs. One substance that has received considerable attention in this context is sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate that has been shown to exert inhibitory activity against H pylori. Broccoli sprouts are by far the best known natural source of sulforaphane, but also many other cruciferous vegetables (such as Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, collard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese broccoli, broccoli rabe, kohlrabi, mustard, arugula, and watercress) provide this powerful isothiocyanate.


Guanabana Juice, or Graviola Extract, is Really Better than Chemotherapy…

Have you heard the latest cancer-cure buzz? This time it surrounds a tropical fruit produced by a small evergreen tree. Grown in the Amazon jungle and some of the Caribbean islands, the “guanabana,” or “graviola” as it’s known in Portuguese, or even “Paw Paw” as the native South Americans refer to it, produces a green fruit with soft spines, sort of like a spiny avocado only full of fruity goodness. According to a few scattered scientific studies, this tree and its fruit have anti-cancer properties. But does that mean it’s safe to use if you’re fighting cancer?

Graviola fruit—sometimes called “soursop”—apparently tastes like a combination of other citrus fruits with the creamy flavor of banana or coconut. Since it’s rather difficult to eat by itself, the pulp is often used to prepare juice, ice cream, sorbets, and candies. Rich in carbohydates, B and C vitamins, calcium, and fiber, it’s believed to have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which help in fighting infections. Other parts of the tree, as well, including the bark, leaves, and roots have been used for centuries by natives as natural remedies for infections, fever, digestive problems, and high blood pressure.

But could this little plant really be more effective than chemotherapy? According to “,” this green wonder is a “miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than chemo,” particularly, one particular chemo drug called Adriamycin. The site goes on to say that components of graviola attack various types of cancer cells including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic, and do so without nausea, weight loss and hair loss. Meanwhile, graviola supposedly protects the immune system, boosts energy, and protects healthy cells. Could all this be true?

Researching this plant was a little difficult, as there is already so much hype surrounding it. I think, however, that I managed to narrow it down, and what I found is the same thing I find with so many of these “natural cancer cures.” Yes, there have been a few small laboratory (test-tube) studies that have shown graviola to have anti-cancer properties, but this isn’t all that unusual on its own. Several plants and fruits have shown cancer-fighting properties in the lab. The thing that seems to be creating the buzz around this fruit is that “10,000 times stronger” claim.

Apparently the National Cancer Institute did a study on graviola way back in 1976, but I couldn’t find this study. Word is it was never released to the public. The Health Sciences Institute (HIS), an independent organization in Maryland, says a study in the Journal of Natural Products found that one chemical from the plant killed colon cancer cells. I couldn’t find this particular study, but I did find others published in the same journal, including a 2010 studythat showed anti-cancer activity in vitro, and a 2008 study that showed graviola extract is a potent anti-viral, anti-tumor, and anti-microbial product. One 1998 study (in a different journal) even found anti-depressant effects from the plant.

The thing that’s most exciting about graviola is that it can distinguish cancer cells from healthy cells, and selectively slow the growth of only the cancer cells. The other exciting thing is the 10,000 number—this according to a recent study from South Korea. Unlike chemo, graviola had no negative activity on healthy cells, and was even effective against cancer cells that were resistant to chemo drugs.

Still, we’re talking here about a handful of studies, all of them in vitro­—in a test tube. The FDA has so far approved graviola only for use to support immune function. According to, the National Cancer Institute is supporting new research, but in the meantime, I say approach this new “cure” with caution. We have yet to see how it works in clinical trials. We also don’t know what the effects may be of taking graviola for a long time. The Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, for example, warns that graviola “may cause movement disorders and myeloneuropathy with symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease.” Discovery Health warns that if taken for a prolonged period, graviola may deplete the friendly bacteria required for healthy digestion. Health guru Andrew Weil warns that the in vitro tests are “…a long way from clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of these compounds in people with cancer.” He goes on to say that there’s “…no way to tell whether commercially available graviola contains any of the compounds studied….” and recommends that people do not take graviola or its extracts as a dietary supplement.

Even if you were to ignore all these concerns, there are other questions: What is the best dosage? How often should you take it and for how long? What about other health risks?

There’s no doubt that early studies on this plant are very exciting. Until we know more, however, please be really careful. If you do decide to try it, buy from a reputable manufacturer, monitor yourself carefully, and use an easily digestible form like a tincture.

Jujube fruit is good food for health …

Jujube fruit is probably the essential components of Chinese traditional medicine. This particular fruit, which comes from the Ziziphus zizyphus plant, is additionally referred to as jujube, red date or perhaps Chinese date. It’s really a tiny deciduous tree or even shrub achieving a height of 5-10 meters (16-33 ft), generally along with thorny limbs. The foliage is shiny-green, ovate-acute, 2-7 centimeter’s (0.79-2.8 in) broad and also 1-3 centimeter’s (0.39-1.2 in) broad, along with 3 noticeable veins in the bottom, along with a perfectly toothed border. The flowers usually are tiny, 5 millimeters (0.20 in) broad, along with five discreet yellowish-green petals. The fruit is definitely an delicious oval drupe 1.5-3 centimeters (0.59-1.2 in) deep; whenever premature it really is smooth-green, together with the consistency and also taste of the apple, ageing brown to purplish-black and finally wrinkly, appearing like a tiny date. There exists a single hard stone much like an olive stone.

The fruits usually are first green in color and as they grow they switch purple or even dark red. Jujube fruit tastes something similar to apple, and also as it grows the skin will start wrinkling, which makes it appear to be typical dates. Jujube fruit is grown in Southeast Asia however nowadays the tree, that is very repellent, is grown all across the globe. it has been utilized in Chinese medicine for more than 4000 years and it was initially brought to America at the beginning of Nineteenth century. Jujube fruit could be eaten raw, however its advantages boost when it is refined by means of boiling, baking, stewing or even drying.

Health benefits of Jujube fruit :

Jujube fruit benefits are very recognized for thousands of years. Jujube fruit is utilized as herbal medicine for hundreds of years within China along with other Asian countries. Since this fruit is extremely healthy and also loaded with numerous minerals and vitamins, it will help in the development and also maintenance of the blood stream, entire body hormones, bone fragments, muscles, skin, hair, body enzymes and also neurotransmitters.

Jujube fruit has got powerful health advantages. It’s got soothing qualities and is also an excellent source of natural anti-oxidants.

Usage and also dosage of the jujube fruit completely depends upon the seriousness of the medical problem that is being managed. However, 10 gm to 30 gm is the perfect quantity of jujube fruit extract that should be ingested by the affected individual.

1. Cancer Treatment

In accordance with the National Center for Biotechnology, juice through the jujube fruit is shown to have got cytotoxic action on various tumor lines. A report demonstrated that the amount of viable cells have been reduced after treatment method. These types of advantages have been related to, amongst other things, the jujube’s high-content of bioactive compounds.

Studies carried out more than a 20 year period have demonstrated bioactive compounds to play a crucial role within the protection against long-term illnesses.

2.  Antioxidant Properties

Jujube fruit is additionally an anti-oxidant along with re-energizing qualities. It has the capability to assist clear up the skin.

3.  Blood Purification

The dried fruits of the jujube consist of saponin, alkaloids and also triterpenoids. These 3 substances are all valuable in cleaning the blood, and also as a guide to digestion of food.

4.  Relief from Stress

The jujube fruit also offers anxiety relieving qualities. Utilized in a powder form, the jujube fruit assists relaxed nerves and lower anxiousness.

5.  Many More Benefits

In China jujube is utilized to deal with looseness of the bowels, exhaustion and also appetite loss. In Japan, research has revealed the jujube to improve immunity.

Additionally, jujube fruit is utilized to enhance muscle strength, improve strength, and as a tonic to boost liver function. A very common usage is to really make it like a tea to deal with aching throats. Ingesting the fruit may help deal with long-term exhaustion, respiratory disease, and also anemia.

6. Treats Insomnia and Anxiety

Insomnia and also anxiety impact huge numbers of people, and also sufferers usually ask for the proper care of health professionals for comfort. A minimum of one-third of people encounters insomnia at some stage in their lives, in accordance with Sleep Med. Similarly, a lot more than 19 million grown-ups have problems with anxiety. Jujubes offer help. They consist of substances which have a tranquilizer effect, in accordance with Nutraceuticals Research.

The powerful chemical obtained from jujubes, jujuboside A, affects the hippocampus within the brain and is also usually utilized like a natural sleep aid. Jujubes may be used to deal with both insomnia and also anxiety. Jujube extract turns out to be an all-natural option to doctor prescribed sedatives as well as anxiolytics.

7. Improves Immune Function

Anti-oxidants assist protect the body from harmful free-radicals. Free radicals connect with cells, damage important parts and may even result in diseases and also aging. Simply because jujubes include a great deal of anti-oxidants, they are able to help to improve the defense mechanisms and also all around health. They’ve got a building up effect and also consist of lots of phytochemicals, in accordance with the previously mentioned African Journal of Biotechnology article.

Their remarkable dietary content also may include a significant quantity of vitamin C, vitamin A and also vitamin B2. Jujubes likewise consist of essential minerals, just like manganese, iron, phosphorus as well as calcium. These components work together to produce overall health and also well-being and improve the defense mechanisms.

8. Protects the Liver

The Journal of Ethnopharmacology documented in April 2009 that jujubes have got a optimistic impact on the liver. They discovered that the jujube provides safety from liver injury through serving as an anti-oxidant. Oxidative stress, in accordance with NetDoctor, is the procedure through which free-radicals adversely affect the entire body, leading to disease as well as aging. Anti-oxidants attract up the free-radicals and also counteract their effects. Thankfully, jujubes consist of substances which help combat this oxidative injury.

9. Weight Control

If you are attempting to lose weight or even sustain your present bodyweight however you are tired of eating peaches and oranges, jujube fruit might help. Every 2-ounce offering of raw jujube, about 4 fruits, just has 44 calories and virtually no fat yet provides you with 1/2 gram of protein. It really is mild and also rejuvenating, including variety as well as an apple-like taste in your diet without increasing your waist.

10. Strengthen Bones

Strengthen Bones is definitely the 2nd advantages of Jujube Fruit, exactly why? Simply because this fruit has got some really good nourishment for the bones just like Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron as well as others. All of these nourishment are great for bone, might help us to obtain more powerful bones. Therefore, if you wish to get stronger and powerful bones, you have to attempt to consume Jujube Fruit

11. Streamlining Blood Circulation

Iron, and also Phosphorus inside Jujube Fruit may also assist you in getting nutritious blood, and also streamlining the circulation of blood. Healthy Blood might help us to avoid several blood problem.

12. Treats insomnia

In case you are having problems obtaining sufficient quantities of sleep throughout the night, then the jujube fruit is easily the most appropriate choice. Scientific tests reveal that boiling or even heating the jujube seed just before usage raises their effectiveness and could be utilized as a good remedy for sleep problems.

Since jujube consists of complicated carbohydrates, it’s not suitable for individuals with diabetes as it might probably aggravate their situation.

Why Cherimoya is Healthy ???

herimoya is scientifically known as Annona Cherimola. It is a tropical evergreen shrub grown in North and South America. It is fleshy, juicy and tasty fruit. It looks like custard apple with small seeds within.

Cherimoya is among the healthiest fruit with high nutrition. It is rich in Vitamin C which increases immunity to fight common disease and  infection. Due to it’s rich antioxidants it has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory property.

:::: Reasons  ::::


Immunity: Cherimoya contains a high amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C proves the best nutrient to increase immune system function. It provides immunity from the common disease like cold and flu. It is also effective to prevent any infections.

Inflammation: Cherimoya contains a high amount of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidants. It is effective to protect from inflammatory free radicals.

Cardiovascular Health: It contains a high amount of dietary fiber which proves best nutrient that promote cardiovascular health. Also cherimoya have proved to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) level in the blood. Thus it improves the blood flow towards the heart and thus it reduces the risk of the heart attack, stroke and hypertension.

Cancer: It is effective against cancer due to it’s rich antioxidant content. These antioxidants provide cherimoya anti-cancer property. Cancer cells are formed due to free radical produced due to oxidative stress. But antioxidants are effective to neutralize this free radical effect. Also cherimoya is rich in fiber; it cleanses toxic from colon and liver. So it is effective to prevent colon and liver cancer. It also protects from breast cancer.

Brain Health: It is a high source of Vitamin B6, which protect from Parkinson’s disease. Due to rich Vitamin B6 it increases brain function. It is effective to relieve stress and thus reduce tension.

Rich in Potassium: It contains high amount of potassium. Good amount potassium is required for a normal heart beat  and blood pressure. So it protects from hypertension and stroke. Along with potassium, cherimoyacontains magnesium, sodium, zinc and manganese.

Protect from Osteoporosis: It contains calcium which improves bone health. Thus it protects from osteoporosis.


’21’ Health Benefits of Cape Gooseberries …

“Great for skin cancer, killing lots of different kinds of bacteria, leishmaniasis, anaplasmosis… and more”

Cape Gooseberries are a small orange berry that is full of good nutrition and has many health benefits. Also known as ground cherries, Physalis minima, pygmy ground cherry, inca berry, golden strawberry, pearly round yolkimabobs, and many other names… these berries are common in the western hemisphere and other places.

Where They Grow – Cape Gooseberries grow in the US, UK, Hawaii, Caribbean, Egypt, Europe, Central America, South America, India, Africa, Asia, China, and just about any where else that is slightly warm. 

Taste – They taste something like a tomato with a sourness at the end like cranberries. 

Paper Outer Covering – Some call cape gooseberries Chinese Lanterns because they have a orange fruit inside and a paper like covering on the outside resembling Chinese Lanterns. 

Powerful Antioxidant – Cape gooseberries have more antioxidants than goji berries, broccoli, apples, pomegranates. 

Lots of Vitamin C – Cape gooseberries contain twice the vitamin C of lemons. Thus they have wonderful antioxidants that help to stave off cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. 

Pectin – Cape gooseberries contain pectin which is a wonderful soluble fiber that helps to sooth the GI tract and prevent constipation. 

Vitamins – Cape gooseberries also contain B Vitamins for good mood and vitality, and Vitamin A antioxidant which is important for good eyesight, immune function, and heal DNA damage. 

Anti-Inflammatory – Cape gooseberries are high in anthocyanins which help with the inflammation –  pain, swelling, and redness. 

Contains – Cape gooseberries contain potassium for water regulation and heart health, zinc for a strong immune system, phosphorus and calcium for strong bones, iron for anemia, and magnesium for enzyme production. 

Antibacterial – Extracts of cape gooseberries in studies kill lots of gram negative and positive bacteria including: E. Coli, Micrococcus luteus, Staph, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus, many strains of Bacillus bacteria, and Bordetella bacteria. 

Antileishmanial and Antiplasmosis – Cape goose berries contain special steroids that in studies inhibit the growth of intra cellular microbes such as leishmaniasis and anaplasmosis. 

Cancer – Some studies show that these little berries may be able to help with lung cancer. 

Lung Disease – Cape gooseberries have lots of anti-inflammatories which are great asthma. And the dried berries can be made into a nice tea that can be taken 3 times a day for lung problems. 

Colds, Flues, and Laryngitis – Cape gooseberries can be made into a tea, taking a handful of dried or fresh berries and steeping in hot water and taking this tea 3 times a day… can help with colds, flues, and laryngitis. 

Skin Tumors – Cape gooseberry roots contain solanoside glycosides and other agents which are powerful agents for malignant skin tumors and carcinomas.  And the stems and leaf extracts also work well for treating melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Cholesterol – Because cape gooseberries contain soluble pectin fiber they also lower cholesterol.

Diabetes – Cape gooseberries made into tea can also help lower blood sugar… because they contain lots of soluble fiber.

Weight Loss – Because cape gooseberries are very low in fat and calories they can also assist in weight loss. 11 grams of cape goose berries only contains about 50 calories. 

Grows Like a Weed – Cape gooseberries love mud and lots of moisture and sprawl all over… and can grow 3 feet tall. 

Food – Cape gooseberries can be made into jams, jellies, cheese cakes, used in chocolate and fondants. They be eaten with cheese, and can be added to salads for a wonderful flavor, also made into sauces for pasta… and cape gooseberries can be dried and used in just about any dish. 

Finding – You can find cape gooseberries at Asian Markets, and you can also order them on-line. Google “Buy Cape Gooseberries” and lots of places will come up… amazon has them and the seeds for growing them too. 

Must Be Ripe – Unripe cape gooseberries are poisonous – only eat ripe berries. 


Camu berry fights against Depression …

I’ve documented some of the physiological actions of the camu berry from some extensive research. Some of this information comes from Dr. Gary Null’s book called “The Clinician’s Handbook of Natural Healing,” as well as invaluable facts from other authors. My top recommended author on this topic is James Duke, PhD, author of “The Green Pharmacy” and numerous other books on botanical medicine. Dr. Duke is a champion of the camu camu berry, and he’s written about it extensively in books and published research papers. (Find his books on by searching for “James Duke”)

Through this research, we learn that camu camu is antiviral — it helps kill viruses that could threaten your immune system and is a powerful protective agent against colds and the flu. It is anti-arthritic, so it can help reduce inflammation, which tends to ease the pain of arthritis. And it’s anti-atherosclerotic, which means it can help prevent atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Plaque in the arteries leads to serious heart disease and eventually heart attacks. It can help prevent the buildup of plaque to protect you from the foods you may be consuming that tend to cause the buildup of that plaque (such as fried foods or processed foods made with hydrogenated oils).

Camu camu is also known as an antidepressant. This is not surprising, given that depression is often the result of a suppressed or poorly functioning nervous system. Of course, depression can have many causes, but the most common is actually a malnourished nervous system. Depression is not, as conventional medicine claims, a chemical imbalance in the brain that has to be corrected with prescription drugs. It is typically just a nutritional deficiency that can be corrected through diet by eating natural foods. The camu berry is one of the natural strategies you can use to reverse depression, even serious depression.

Camu berry is also documented as being anti-gingivitic, which means it helps fight gingivitis, the gum disease that can affect dental health.

Next, camu is described as anti-hepatitic, meaning it protects against liver disorders, including liver disease and liver cancer. This is not a surprising effect, given that antioxidants are protective of the liver in general. Being a potent antioxidant, it can help support the liver’s efforts in detoxifying many of the chemicals to which you are exposed.

Today, in the Western world, we are exposed to so many outrageous chemicals. Most consumers expose themselves to literally hundreds of dangerous chemicals through the use of hair spray, shampoo, hand soap, laundry detergent, cologne and perfume. In fact, there are over 20 known carcinogens in most perfumes sold on the market today. Those perfumes are illegally marketed in violation of FDA laws because they don’t carry cancer warning labels, but that’s a loophole that the FDA is not currently enforcing. The fact that your liver is detoxifying all the chemicals you’re exposing yourself to is one of the primary reasons the camu berry can help your liver stay healthy.

camu berry Protect the brain…

Camu berry is protecting your eyes from degenerative disease, it’s also protecting your brain from neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. In fact, if you’re interested in anti-aging, or if you’re getting up in years and you want to make sure you have optimal brain performance for the rest of your life, the camu berry is one of the most important nutritional supplements you can consume. Think of it as an insurance policy against neurodegenerative diseases.

Obviously, it’s not the only thing you can consider; there are many other important nutritional strategies for boosting brain performance. For example, eating raw nuts and seeds on a daily basis is hugely important for the healthy functioning of your brain and nervous system. You cannot function at a high level of performance without healthy oils and plant-based fats in your body; you need those omega-3 fatty acids and oils from raw nuts and seeds. It is a good idea to consume cod liver oil on a regular basis too, but most importantly, you need natural, full-spectrum vitamin C.

It’s interesting to note that the human body does not manufacture vitamin C. Dogs and many other animals manufacture their own vitamin C, but humans do not; we must get it from dietary sources. Vitamin C is complex; it’s not just a single, isolated chemical in its natural form. It is delivered through superfruits like camu in combination with several different supporting phytochemicals which makes the positive effect of vitamin C even more powerful than when taken alone. That’s why I’ve always recommended that people get nutrition through plants wherever possible. High-density plants give us the highest nutrition we can get.

Benefits of sapodilla for Health …

Sapodilla or sapota (chikoo) is another popular delicious tropical fruit in line with mango, banana, and jackfruit. Its calorie-rich soft, easily digestible pulp composes of simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that when eaten replenishes energy and revitalizes the body instantly. Indeed, it is a vital source of vitamins, minerals and health-benefiting anti-oxidant, tannin.

Sapota is a tropical evergreen, fruit-bearing tree belongs to the family of Sapotaceae, in the genus: Manilkara. Scientific name: Manilkara zapota.

Health benefits of sapodilla : 

  • Sapodilla is high calories, 100 g provides 83 calories (almost same as that of calories in sweet potato, and banana). In addition, it is a very good source of dietary fiber (5.6 g/100g), which makes it an excellent bulk laxative. The fiber content helps relieve constipation episodes and help protect the mucous membrane of the colon from cancer-causing toxins by firmly binding to them.
  • The fruit is rich in antioxidant poly-phenolic compound tannin. Tannins are a complex family of naturally-occurring polyphenols that neutralize acids by precipitating proteins. Research studies found that tannins have shown to have potential anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic effects. Hence, these compounds may found useful applications in traditonal medicines such as anti-diarrheal, hemostatic (stops bleeding) and as a remedy for hemorrhoids.
  • Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effect of tannins help limit conditions like erosive gastritis, reflux-esophagitis, enteritis, and irritating bowel disorders. Some other fruits that are rich in tannins includepomegranate, persimmon, grapes…etc.
  • Sapote contains a good amount of antioxidant vitamins like vitamin C (24.5% of recommended daily intake per 100 g of fruit), and vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for vision. It is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A has been known to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. So also, consumption of foods containing in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful free radicals.
  • Fresh ripen sapodilla is a good source of minerals like potassium, copper, iron and vitamins like folate, niacin and pantothenic acid. These compounds are essential for optimal health as they involve in various metabolic processes in the body as cofactors for the enzymes.